Here are some notes intended to help installing sensu server on Debian/Squeeze following the instructions for CentOS given by joemiller's on his blog: Install rabbitmq ---------------- The rabbitmq version available in squeeze is quite a bit old. It it necessary to install the one provided by RabbitMQ in order to have access to SSL and the rabbitmq management console as described in the joemiller's post. No need to install Erlang manually, this will be done when installing rabbitmq thanks to the decencies. Follow the joemiller's instructions for making the SSL certificates and configuring rabbitmq to use them. Pay attention to run the "" script with bash (sh is linked by default to dash and does not support the non-POSIX 'function' keyword). Just "/etc/init.d/rabbitmp-server restart" after the the "RabbitMQ webUI management console" install. Then you can go straight forward with the joemiller's instructions. Install redis ------------- A version >= 2 is required in order to make sensu-api to work ("hash commands" which came with redis 2 are needed by sensu-api). The 2.4.2 version from is what you need. Install ruby 1.8.7 ------------------ # apt-get install ruby rubygems curl libssl-dev Install Sensu components ------------------------ # gem install sensu sensu-dashboard # ln -s /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/sensu-* /usr/bin/ #adduser --no-create-home --disabled-password sensu # mkdir -m 0750 /var/{log,run}/sensu # chown sensu:root /var/{log,run}/sensu Here is an archive which I have collected in: - the sense example files of @jeremy_carroll's rpm packages - System-V init scripts for Debian for sensu-server, sensu-api, sensu-client and sensu-dashboard # wget # tar xvfz sensu-files-debian.tgz # cp etc/init.d/sensu-* /etc/init.d/ # cp -r etc/sensu /etc/ # update-rc.d sensu-client defaults # update-rc.d sensu-server defaults # update-rc.d sensu-dashboard defaults # update-rc.d sensu-api defaults All you need is now done, you can then follow the joemillers's post from "Copy the SSL client key + cert that we created earlier into /etc/sensu/ssl". Make Debian packages for squeeze -------------------------------- I have provided a simple bash script which will build debian packages for all the sensu components. Download it at: Copy that script in, say, ~/src/sensu then create a ~/src/sensu/patches directory and wget the following files in it: Pay attention to install some stuff: sudo apt-get install gem2deb libssl-dev sudo gem install fpm && ln -s /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/fpm /usr/local/bin/ When done, launch ./ to build the debian packages for sensu. If you prefer you can also fetch one of my repositories. Add the following line to your apt's: deb squeeze-sensu main then add the public key of that repo to your trusted key list: wget sudo apt-key add csi.gpg Note that I won't upgrade the packages each time a new sensu version is released. This is why it is generally better to make the packages by yourself! :) Feel free to ask for any questions on #sensu at freenode. HTH! Olivier Le Cam (olecam at